「靈氣」(Reiki)一 詞源於日本。意指宇宙能量,是一種利用宇宙能量供應人類所欠缺的能量,加速自癒能力的方法。一般情況,所損耗的能量,可以從運動、飲食和大自然等途徑獲得 補充,倘若補充過程長期出現問題,能量耗用過多,便引至身體、精神和心靈均會產生不適,使人容易患上感冒、脾氣轉壞和變得抑鬱,甚至發展成慢性疾病。「靈 氣」能增強和均衡自己身體能量的方法,可以用來保健、減壓、美容、開發靈性、平衡身心及治療。「靈氣」的自然能量,如接收和應用越多得益越大,更可以替自 己及家人治療,達致到更佳的療效;並不會影響或損耗自己體內的元氣。其他的自然能量的方法,例如氣功或瑜珈,需要長期重覆練習多套功法,才可以接收和應用 「能量」。如果停下來不練習,能量就會消失。「靈氣」的能量是終生的,亦不需要不停練習,只要多應用,能量便越來越大。

2009年12月14日 星期一


Reiki symbols are sacred healing symbols which enhance the flow of Life Force Energy. They are like keys that open doors to higher levels of awareness and manifestation.

Reiki symbols are Sanskrit-derived Japanese forms. Sanskrit is the mother-tongue of all other languages. It is the language of the Vedas, the oldest writings known to man. The Vedas say that Sanskrit is the language of the spirit world.

Reiki symbols are shown to the student prior to being attuned, and an imprinting takes place that links the image they are shown to the metaphysical energies the symbol represents. Then the Reiki attunement actually empowers the symbols so that they fulfill their intended purpose. This process has been created by a Divine covenant or sacred agreement between the Creator and those who have been attuned.

The symbols have their own consciousness, and it is possible to meditate on them and receive guidance on how to use them directly from the symbols themselves.

Special note about Reiki Symbols:  I  received an email a while back from a Reiki Master in Europe who has questioned my placing these symbols on the internet.  This is the first time in probably seven years of my having them on my site that I have received such an email, but it's probably true that other individuals may feel the same way.  So, if you are interested, click here to read my response so that you are in understanding of why I feel it is appropriate to make them available online.

Cho Ku Rei

This is the Power Symbol. Reiki Energy will flow without it, but when you use it, it is believed that the energy increases significantly. It would be as if you had changed the bulb in a lamp from 50 watts to 500 watts. Use at the beginning of the healing session, and at any other time that additional power is needed. It is geared specifically for healing within the physical body.

Sei He Ki

This symbol is used for mental and emotional healing, protection, purification, clearing and balancing. It works with the cause of the disease, which is often hidden in the subconscious mind (the emotional body) and/or the conscious mind (the mental body). When the body manifests dis-ease, it is often attempting to deliver a message that there is something that needs tending, that needs attention within the mental or emotional patterns we carry.  The mental and emotional healing symbol balances the right and left brain.

This symbol:

Is especially helpful for healing relationship problems and the issues that stem from them.

Is used for any sort of emotional or mental distress such as nervousness, fear, depression, anger, sadness, etc.

Can enhance one's memory, as it connects with the subconscious mind, where all memories are stored.

Can be used to enhance the effectiveness of affirmations, causing them to enter more deeply into the subconscious and manifest the results you desire more quickly.

Is used to purify food or water, or to clear a room of negative energy, followed by the power symbol.

If, during a treatment, a person begins an emotional release, use this symbol to assist in drawing it out and clearing it.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

This symbol transmits Reiki energy across time and space.  Using this symbol you can send Reiki across the room, across town, to other parts of the country or anywhere in the world.  Distance is no barrier.  You can also use this symbol to bridge time.  You can send Reiki into the "future," where it will store up like a battery, to access at the time you or others will be needing it.  Likewise, you can send Reiki into the "past," to heal issues from earlier in this lifetime, or to past life issues that affect you or others now.

The essential message of the symbol is "The Buddha in me greets the Buddha in you."  (Another word for Buddha is "The Awakened Heart.")  And so when you use this symbol you are saying "The Awakened Heart in me greets the Awakened Heart in You."  And when that connection is declared and honored through your hearts, you and the recipient are in a state of Divine Union, and Reiki can be shared regardless of the physical distance between you.

This symbol connects to the Akashic Records, the life records of each soul, and so it can be used to heal karmic patterns or tendencies that have manifested as dis-ease in the body or that have resulted in mental or emotional pain or distress.

Dai Ko Myo

Traditional Master Symbol

Contemporary Master Symbol

This is the Master Symbol.  It's essence is the Light of the Buddha, the Light of the Awakened Heart.  It signifies expanded wisdom and clairvoyance.

This symbol is used for the healing of the soul--the level of the blueprint from which the physical body is derived.


